BrizziB / Graph-Classification-with-GCN

A simple implementation of a portion of GCN (Kipf & Welling) that can handle graph classification.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Results Replication and Sequence to run the files

amalislam675 opened this issue · comments

hello, I have recently gone through your github repository and found your work very interesting. You have done a great work. I want to replicate your results and want to understand your work. As, there are five files here,,,, and Can you please tell me, in which sequence I can run your files. I also want to know, how I can regenerate these files "protein_adj_matrix_aug.npz", "protein_adj_matrix_basic.npz", "protein_feats_matrix_aug.npz", "protein_feats_matrix_basic.npz","protein_labels_aug.npy", and "protein_labels_basic.npy". Thankyou.