BrianDMG / conv2mp4

This Powershell script will recursively search through a user-defined file path and convert all videos of user-specified file types to MP4 with H264 video and AAC audio using ffmpeg. The purpose of this script is to reduce transcoding CPU load on a media server like Plex or Emby and increase video compatibility across platforms.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Invoke-WebRequest error

Hazado opened this issue · comments

I run this script from Sonarr, and it runs as the System profile.
Because ive never run internet explorer before as the system profile, I get the below error.

Looks like adding -UseBasicParsing will fix this error.

17-4-12 12:27:05.4|Error|powershell.exe|Invoke-WebRequest : The response content cannot be parsed because the Internet 
17-4-12 12:27:05.4|Error|powershell.exe|Explorer engine is not available, or Internet Explorer's first-launch 
17-4-12 12:27:05.4|Error|powershell.exe|configuration is not complete. Specify the UseBasicParsing parameter and try 
17-4-12 12:27:05.4|Error|powershell.exe|again. 
17-4-12 12:27:05.4|Error|powershell.exe|At E:\HandbrakeCLI\convertRadarr.ps1:627 char:5
17-4-12 12:27:05.4|Error|powershell.exe|+                 Invoke-WebRequest $plexURL
17-4-12 12:27:05.4|Error|powershell.exe|+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
17-4-12 12:27:05.4|Error|powershell.exe|    + CategoryInfo          : NotImplemented: (:) [Invoke-WebRequest], NotSupp 
17-4-12 12:27:05.4|Error|powershell.exe|   ortedException
17-4-12 12:27:05.4|Error|powershell.exe|    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletIEDomNotSupportedException,Microsoft.Po 
17-4-12 12:27:05.4|Error|powershell.exe|   werShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand

Fixed. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!