BrentOzarULTD / soddi

StackOverflow Data Dump Importer. Forked from after the original author passed away.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Table Creation Ignoring DEFAULT FileGroup

imajaydwivedi opened this issue · comments

Recent dump 122018 is of large size. So to make XML data import quick, I added multiple Data Files in New filegroup 'DATA' & marked it as Default. Still, the tool SODDI created all the tables in PRIMARY filegroup.

Could it be modified to create tables in DEFAULT filegroup rather then on PRIMARY.

You can achieve the same result by just adding multiple data files to the primary data file group. That's how I did this:

We're not doing active development on this app, but the beauty of open source is that you can make the change yourself and contribute the code back if you want.