BradyFU / Awesome-Multimodal-Large-Language-Models

:sparkles::sparkles:Latest Advances on Multimodal Large Language Models

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Add VLFeedback, the first DPO dataset for LVLMs

TobiasLee opened this issue · comments

Hi authors, thanks for your great survey and the curated paper list, which has been highlighted as a reference in our related work for a detailed introduction to LVLMs.

I'd like to recommend our recent work exploring DPO for LVLMs to the list (Dataset part or maybe even a new RLHF section, including RLHF-V, LLaVA-RLHF as well? ). Based on our VLFeedback dataset annotated with GPT-4V on 80k high-quality multi-modal instructions, we found DPO is promising on benchmarks such as MME and MMHal-bench.

Thanks for your sharing and your citation! We've incorporated your work into our repo.

Thank you for having our work! 🎉🎉
We have provided the GPT-4V annotation guide in the main paper and appendix. We will upload it to the code repo soon.