BoredEngineer / MMT_Plugin

Machinery Modelling Toolkit (Plugin for UE4)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

5.0 Possible?

OldRavenNL opened this issue · comments

With UE5 Preview 1 out now I'm curious if this plug-in will be usable in UE5?

I've been holding back testing with the plug-in in UE4 because I've been using 5.0 for a while now.
I would love to get this running in UE5.

Seconded. Is there any other plugin out there that helps with substepping?

MMT Plugin does not load in UE5 preview 2.

MMT Plug-in for UE5 would be the meaning of life.

It does work, but you have to change a few things for it to compile for UE5. I've only tried it briefly, so may have missed some things - but was able to get it to work.

You've got to change this line;

#include "ModuleManager.h"


#include "CoreMinimal.h"

Then there were a few warnings of using deprecated functions such as IsPendingKill(), just replace those with IsValid() as suggested by the IDE.

Could you share your built UE5 version to us please?
Many thanks

It only means it'll start the plugin, the physics will not be working. Read this issue where they corrected me. 😄

I rewrote the plugin for Unreal engine 5 and everything works for me. =)

The main problem lay in the file MMTBPFunctionLibrary.cpp which prevented the plugin from being compiled. PhyiscsActor.isValid did not work. To do this, I used FPhysicsInterface::isValid(PhyiscsActor).


For what it's worth I was able to make MMT work to some extent using the async physics tick that was introduced in 5.2 I think?

The above video is MMT running in 5.3.2, but a lot of the physics is - as expected - not working at a 1:1 ratio. The T26 is set up exactly as in MMT Content, same suspension forces but it behaves a fair bit differently.

Friction also needs some looking at, not quite sure what's going on there but it feels as though it's on ice unless I crank the kinetic friction up a bit but then it also becomes a bit erratic.

But it's sub-stepped and applies forces directly through the chaos physics scene. 🤷‍♂️

I'm obviously no expert at this, but will be playing around a bit more with this - would love to get the suspension and friction to work similarly to the 4.27 version. After which I'm considering refactoring it a bit to make setup a bit more streamlined.