Borda / perceiver-io

A PyTorch implementation of DeepMind's Perceiver IO with PyTorch Lightning scripts for distributed training

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Perceiver, Perceiver IO and Perceiver AR

This repository is a PyTorch and PyTorch Lightning implementation of

Perceiver: General Perception with Iterative Attention (paper, video) Perceiver
Perceiver IO: A General Architecture for Structured Inputs & Outputs (paper, blog post) Perceiver IO
General-purpose, long-context autoregressive modeling with Perceiver AR (paper, blog post) Perceiver AR

Models are written in plain PyTorch and can be trained at scale with PyTorch Lightning and the Lightning CLI. Pretrained weights of 🤗 Perceiver models are also supported and can be downloaded from the 🤗 Hub. The provided datasets for model training are 🤗 datasets wrapped into PyTorch Lightning data modules. For NLP tasks, this library supports all 🤗 fast tokenizers and the 🤗 Perceiver UTF-8 bytes tokenizer.


Via pip

pip install perceiver-io[text,vision]

From sources

Installation from sources requires a Miniconda and a Poetry (1.2.0 or higher) installation.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate perceiver-io
poetry install --all-extras

Docker image

docker pull

See Docker image for details.


Getting started

Here's a minimal example for autoregressive language modeling with Perceiver AR. A small language model (30.7M parameters) is trained on the WikiText-103-raw dataset and then used to generate text from a prompt. Input text is tokenized into raw UTF-8 bytes and the model also generates raw UTF-8 bytes.

The PyTorch model class (CausalLanguageModel) and the corresponding PyTorch Lightning wrapper class (LitCausalLanguageModel) are defined in perceiver/model/text/ (see also model construction for further details). The PyTorch Lightning data module (WikiTextDataModule) is defined in perceiver/data/text/


Command line

The script for training a CausalLanguageModel on the command line is perceiver/scripts/text/ The constructor signatures of LitCausalLanguageModel and WikiTextDataModule determine the available --model.* and --data.* command line options. Command line options --optimizer.*, --lr_scheduler.* and --trainer.* configure the optimizer, learning rate scheduler and the PyTorch Lightning Trainer, respectively.

python -m perceiver.scripts.text.clm fit \
  --model.num_latents=512 \
  --model.num_channels=512 \
  --model.num_self_attention_layers=8 \
  --model.cross_attention_dropout=0.5 \
  --data=WikiTextDataModule \
  --data.tokenizer=deepmind/language-perceiver \
  --data.add_special_tokens=false \
  --data.max_seq_len=4096 \
  --data.task=clm \
  --data.batch_size=16 \
  --optimizer=Adam \ \
  --lr_scheduler.warmup_steps=200 \
  --trainer.accelerator=gpu \
  --trainer.devices=1 \
  --trainer.max_epochs=5 \

Supported optimizers are those packaged with PyTorch and pytorch-optimizer. The --data.task=clm option configures the data module to produce data compatible with causal language modeling (other possible values are mlm for masked language modeling and clf for sequence classification). When running this command for the first time, the WikiText dataset is downloaded and preprocessed. To download and preprocess the dataset prior to training, run

python -m perceiver.scripts.text.preproc wikitext \
  --tokenizer=deepmind/language-perceiver \
  --add_special_tokens=false \
  --max_seq_len=4096 \

which is usually faster.

Python code

Training on the command line uses the PyTorch Lightning Trainer under the hood. To run the Trainer directly from a Python script, dynamically add a configure_optimizers method to LitCausalLanguageModel, create instances of LitCausalLanguageModel and WikiTextDataModule and then call with the model and data module as arguments:

from torch.optim import Adam

from import WikiTextDataModule, Task
from perceiver.model.text.clm import LitCausalLanguageModel, CausalLanguageModelConfig
from perceiver.scripts.lrs import ConstantWithWarmupLR

import pytorch_lightning as pl

def configure_optimizers(self):
    optimizer = Adam(self.parameters(), lr=2e-4)
    scheduler = ConstantWithWarmupLR(optimizer, warmup_steps=200)
    return {
        "optimizer": optimizer,
        "lr_scheduler": {"scheduler": scheduler, "interval": "step", "frequency": 1},

# # Add configure_optimizers method to LitCausalLanguageModel (not hard-coded there)
setattr(LitCausalLanguageModel, "configure_optimizers", configure_optimizers),

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = WikiTextDataModule(

    config = CausalLanguageModelConfig(

    # Create Lightning module of CausalLanguageModel from configuration object
    lit_model = LitCausalLanguageModel.create(config)

    # Instantiate PyTorch Lightning Trainer
    trainer = pl.Trainer(accelerator="gpu", devices=1, max_epochs=5, accumulate_grad_batches=4)

    # Train model (will also preprocess dataset if not already done yet), datamodule=data)

The trained PyTorch model can be accessed with lit_model.model. If you prefer to use a custom training loop without using the PyTorch Lightning Trainer, create a plain PyTorch model with CausalLanguageModel.create(config=...) and train it directly as shown in the following simple example:

from perceiver.model.text.clm import CausalLanguageModel

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.optim import Adam

data = ...

model_config = ...
model = CausalLanguageModel(config=model_config)

optim = Adam(model.parameters(), lr=2e-4)

# Simplified training loop compared to previous
# examples (no gradient accumulation, ...)
for epoch in range(5):
    for labels_ids, input_ids, _ in data.train_dataloader():
        logits = model(input_ids)
        loss = F.cross_entropy(logits.permute(0, 2, 1), labels_ids[:, -model_config.num_latents:])

# Save trained model, "/path/to/")


For generating text from a prompt via top-k sampling, CausalLanguageModel provides a generate() method. The following example first loads a trained model from a checkpoint and then generates text from a short sample prompt. An interactive demo is also available in the Colab notebook.

from import TextPreprocessor
from perceiver.model.text.clm import LitCausalLanguageModel

# Load model from a checkpoint that has been written by the PyTorch Lightning Trainer
model = LitCausalLanguageModel.load_from_checkpoint("/path/to/checkpoint").model.eval()

# Alternatively, load the model's state_dict directly
#model = CausalLanguageModel(config=model_config).eval()

# Create a text preprocessor  
preproc = TextPreprocessor(tokenizer="deepmind/language-perceiver", max_seq_len=4096, add_special_tokens=False)

# Convert text to model input
prompt, _ = preproc.preprocess("A man was reading a book on a sunny day until he sudden")

# Continue prompt via top-k sampling where k = f(vocab_size, threshold)
generated = model.generate(num=512, prompt=prompt[None, ...], threshold=0.9)

# Decode model output using preprocessor's tokenizer
generated_text = preproc.tokenizer.decode(generated[0])

Other implementations


A PyTorch implementation of DeepMind's Perceiver IO with PyTorch Lightning scripts for distributed training

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 99.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%