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Collapsing left panel: jumping icon and shortcut not working

WeberAlex opened this issue Β· comments


Boost Note Web App 1.50.4
Windows 10 / Chrome
Chrome OS

That's a follow up of #1178. First off, 1.50.4 #1209 is great release πŸ‘ and a big thank you to @Komediruzecki for the continual support.


Jumping icon

When the mouse pointer is positioned over the icon with the arrow, the icon jumps. I can reproduce it 100% of the time on Windows/Chrome and Chrome OS. Not too surprisingly since this is the same browser.


Shortcut not working

The shortcut Ctrl + Shift + 0 is not working. I have tried with different key combination FN Alt not to avail.

The shortcut Ctrl + , to edit the custom CSS of the preview does work!

My keyboard is a Japanese logicool K240

Hi, WeberAlex,

I can reproduce the jumping icon issue as well, will be fixed soon.

The shortcut is working for me, but you need to be careful what key combination triggers which key.

For example Ctrl+Shift+0 won't actually trigger that sequence on some keyboards, but Ctrl+Shift+numpad0 might.

Can you check here:
if the keypress you are pressing actually triggers keycode for 0, having a shift key in combination could trigger a second set of keys on regular numbers.

And also try shortcuts with Numpad zero. I know some keyboards don't have Numpad keys it, but typically there is an emulation for it (i.e. to bind it somehow)

@WeberAlex Seems like we should change the default key binding for Windows. Do you have any preferences?

@Rokt33r Ctrl + Shift + X. It is not already attributed to Chrome, and the X key does not change regardless of the keyboard layout (fr, ge, us, etc.)

I would suggest Alt+1 or similar, it is versatile enough and it's used by IntelliJ IDEs as the default one. Any combination using Control and Shift might be problematic, especially when used with numbers.
We can customize it later when we introduce a keymap for it.

That's good with me.

Alt + 1 calls the files folder in Chrome OS, Alt + 2 , Alt + 3 and Alt + 4 call other functions. Please, disregard my previous comment, Alt + 1 would not be a good idea. I use an Asus Flip C302. Alt + 5 & 6 are available on this model, but I wonder is Ctrl + Shift + Z or X is not a safer bet?

It's hard to find something that is not used by some OS, Alt+1 is suitable for the desktop app but not for a web app, since in general browsers bind it to change of tabs with numbers (Chrome, Firefox, Alt+1 first tab, Alt+2 second, etc.).

That's why the best is to have a customizable keymap so users can set it to an appropriate shortcut for themselves.

How about modifying the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + 0 at first, until releasing the customizable keymap feature?

I can give a list of shortcuts on Windows 10/Chrome that are available.