BoomerangDecompiler / boomerang

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LoaderTest::testMicroDis1() fails

nemerle opened this issue · comments

This is either a failure in microX86Dis, or test's expected values are wrong. will need to investigate.

The error
QDEBUG : LoaderTest::testMicroDis1() "At offset 0x6 (82 184 128 135 ) expected 1, actual 2

The real disassembly

seg000:00000000                 push    0
seg000:00000002                 push    0
seg000:00000004                 mov     ebp, esp
seg000:00000006                 push    edx
seg000:00000007                 mov     eax, 8048780h
seg000:0000000C                 test    eax, eax
seg000:0000000E                 jz      short loc_1D

0x6 should be 1 byte

Merge request #15 resolves this issue, microX86Dis was working from the start of pent_hello_text not the iterator

Agreed, but the problem is likely in this line

int size = microX86Dis(pent_hello_text);

pent_hello_text should be 'p' instead.

Posted a comment second too late :)