BloodHoundAD / BloodHound

Six Degrees of Domain Admin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Commit #609

jonnyabu1 opened this issue · comments

The change to "acceptable" terms:

Changing wording at the whims of the willfully ignorant who don't know what they're talking about is just perpetuating stupidity. Whitelist and blacklist has nothing to do with skin color, and no one made that claim for centuries until 2018 by a group of idiots. Instead of saying "yeah ok whatever" and ignoring them, we for some reason put the morons in charge of our thoughts and speech. It's quite baffling.

We should do better than to for some unknown reason grant the inmates at the asylum control of how you speak or what terms you use, when they're not even right to begin with.


Thank you for your input. I do not agree with anything you've said and we will not be reverting that commit. Instead, your comment reminds me that we need to continue our efforts to stop using exclusionary language. For example, we need to stop using the word "master" for our primary branch in this repo, as well with all of our other repos.

For anyone else reading this comment who would like to know more about this topic, I recommend reading this draft IETF document: Terminology, Power, and Inclusive Language in Internet-Drafts and RFCs

Andy Robbins