Blade6570 / icface

ICface: Interpretable and Controllable Face Reenactment Using GANs

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CUDA error

yanjunma opened this issue · comments

Hi Guys,
I am trying to run the scripts using Colab with GPU runtime. I downloaded the weights and when I started to run, the following error occured:

THCudaCheck FAIL file=/pytorch/torch/csrc/cuda/Module.cpp line=34 error=10 : invalid device ordinal
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 9, in
opt = TestOptions().parse()
File "/content/icface/test_code_released/options/", line 61, in parse
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/cuda/", line 264, in set_device
RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (10) : invalid device ordinal at /pytorch/torch/csrc/cuda/Module.cpp:34

And I checked, colab has GPU available as '/device:GPU:0'

Hi, use --gpu_ids 0 in the test command.

It worked. Thank you.
Sorry I missed the gpu_ids in the command line instruction.