Birdasaur / Trinity

Explainable AI analysis tool and 3D visualization

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Stackable Parameter Radar Upgrade

Birdasaur opened this issue · comments

Current Parameter Radar implementation only supports a single data point using Radar Sector plotting approach:


  • Upgrade so that the parameter radar is "stackable", ie.. when engaged each subsequent new data point is added to the chart instead of replacing so users can visualize differences.
  • Add toggle button to engage stacking feature
  • Upgrade Parameter chart labels to draw from new Dimension labeling system when available
  • Fix plotting so that Radar polygon options work. (may need to upgrade Charts library version)
  • Upgrade Projections3D pane so Parameter RADAR is enabled for this view. Allow user to click on projected points and see the hyper-dimensional data associated with it.

Latest Charts release is 17.1.43