Birdasaur / Trinity

Explainable AI analysis tool and 3D visualization

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

First Release

samypr100 opened this issue · comments

  • Update CI to make Release Artifacts
  • Provide initial Changelog

Possibly OBE since we are discussing converting to Calendar format releases.

@Birdasaur yup, updated title and description to fit better

@samypr100 what did you have in mind for implementing a changelog? Is it something you want to automate?

I think for first release we want summary of highlights / current features alongside the automatic changelog Github generates for you.

After that I think we can keep using the auto generated changelog github provides as long as the issue titles are descriptive enough.


This is how it looks with the auto gen now. So for the first release we'll have to do some manual input first along side the auto gen. For future releases the autogen will be quite good at capturing differences.


@samypr100 Now that the LitFX dependency has been updated what remains to be done prior to making a tagged release?

@Birdasaur Probably would be nice to have a FXyz update