BingqiShen / EMV-LIO

EMV-LIO: An Efficient Multiple Vision aided LiDAR-Inertial Odometry

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Inquiry about FOV Parameters of the RGB Camera

shenweiwu opened this issue · comments


I noticed that you are using 3 RGB cameras in the project, and I would like to gather more information regarding the camera's Field of View (FOV).

Specifically, I am interested in knowing the FOV size in the horizontal, vertical, or diagonal directions.

Addtionally, I am curious to know if the combination of the three cameras used in your setup allows for complete coverage of a 360-degree environment. If so, I would appreciate any insights or details you can provide regarding the arrangement or configuration of the cameras to achieve this coverage.


Is the FOV used the common 45°?

Is the FOV used the common 45°?

Sorry, I've been quite busy recently and just saw your message. The cameras we use in this project is MER2-202-60GC-P

The FOV of it depends on its focal length. In this project, the FOV of the camera is around 90°