BillyDM / iced_baseview

A baseview backend for the Iced GUI library

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Loading Custom Fonts

discordance opened this issue · comments

Looks like iced 0.10 have a new way to load custom fonts. It's not really documented, but using the wgpu integration example, I was able to load the fonts via the renderer instance:

// This is the WGPU renderer
let wgpu_renderer = iced_wgpu::Renderer::new(Backend::new(&device, &queue, Settings::default(), format));

// We wrap the renderer in a type that implements the iced renderer trait
let mut renderer = iced_renderer::Renderer::Wgpu(wgpu_renderer);

// load custom fonts
renderer.load_font(Cow::from(MY_CUSTOM_FONT1_BYTES)); // &[u8]
renderer.load_font(Cow::from(MY_CUSTOM_FONT2_BYTES)); // &[u8]

Then, you can use those fonts using Family::Name("CustomFontName").

I am experimenting on my fork passing fonts extending the IcedBaseviewSettings.