BillyDM / iced-baseplug-examples

Simple examples to demonstrate full-stack Rust audio plugin dev with baseplug and iced_audio

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Doesn't compile

Ploppz opened this issue · comments

I tried cargo +nightly build --package gain --release and got error:

error[E0046]: not all trait items implemented, missing: `ui_param_notify`
  --> gain/src/
74 | impl baseplug::PluginUI for Gain {
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ missing `ui_param_notify` in implementation
   = help: implement the missing item: `fn ui_param_notify(_: &<Self as PluginUI>::Handle, _: &'static baseplug::Param<Self, <<Self as Plugin>::Model as Model<Self>>::Smooth>, _: f32) { todo!() }`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `RawWindowHandle: HasRawWindowHandle` is not satisfied
  --> gain/src/
91 |         iced_baseview::IcedWindow::<ui::GainUI>::open_parented(&parent, settings);
   |                                                                ^^^^^^^ the trait `HasRawWindowHandle` is not implemented for `RawWindowHandle`
   = note: required by `IcedWindow::<A>::open_parented`

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors