Bhanudeep / AlindorAssesmentApplication

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Link to video Demonstration:
Link to Deployed Application:

  • This application requires Flask framework, flask_pymongo to run this application.
  • I have used MongoDB atlas as a database to my application.
  • I have created UI modules to make use of the functionalities of this application.
  1. Implemented User Registraion and User login with authentication.
  2. User 'must' registered to access the functionality of this appllication.
  3. User must Enter the Job description and upload the resume to get matching score and explanation of that score.
  4. The score is displayed along with a brief explanation of reason for this score.
  5. I have adjusted the system role promt by testing various examples.

Instructions to run the application locally:

  • Set up MongoDB atlas credentails and create a database to connect with this application.
  • Set up your OpenAi api key, and MongoDB atlas api key.
  • pip install requrirements.txt
  • After successful installation of all the dependencies proceed to run the application using command "python" .

I have attached a video to demonstrate how this application works.



Language:HTML 57.2%Language:Python 21.5%Language:JavaScript 11.4%Language:CSS 7.6%Language:Dockerfile 2.2%