Betterment / delayed

a multi-threaded, SQL-driven ActiveJob backend used at Betterment to process millions of background jobs per day

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Dashboard UI

34code opened this issue · comments

Any chance the private dashboard fork will be open-sourced?
If not, any good gems we can rely on for a decent UI similar to sidekiq?

Hi @34code, thanks for stopping by! I can’t promise anything at this moment, but I can say that we have explored the idea of open sourcing some form of dashboard. Out of curiosity, what high level features would you look for in such a UI?

Hi @smudge!

Mainly looking for some key features such as:

  • stats (like sidekiq - jobs processed/failed over time)
  • paginated views of queues (not yet processed)
  • failed jobs view (with ability to retry individually or in bulk)

bonus points if the dashboard was extensible with community extensions similar to resque/sidekiq

We use delayed_job_web on FE part and requires delayed_job gem as well.