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Split page 6 into 2 pages, 1 new page and 1 combine with Page 5

prathmj opened this issue · comments

The idea here is to create one page that is specifically for comparing the amount of complaint types over some time period, and one page that is to see complaint trends over seasons/months in a year. For the latter, it might be worth trying to combine this with Page 5.

Compare Complaint Types
This is what the page looked like before:

This is what the updated version looks like:

How to make this change:
Remove the "descriptor" slicer.
There's a weird bug with PowerBI that doesn't let you create a "Month" slicer without a work around. In order to do this, first make a line graph and select "Created Date" as its main field. Then go to options for the Created Date and select "Date Hierarchy". Delete everything except for "Month" and then convert this line graph to a slicer.

Complaints Over Time
This is what Page 5 looked like before:

This is what the updated version looks like:

How to make this change:
Install the "Timeline Slicer" app from the marketplace.
Format like the picture, treemap on the left, timeline slicer on top right, and line chart on bottom right. Use "Created Date" for the main field of the Timeline Slicer and "Complaint Type" for both the main fields of the treemap.

Why make this change?
This lets us view total counts of complaints over time and at the same time visualize the specifics with the treemap.