BernyPoblete / exercise-tictactoe-react

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TicTacToe With React

Time to start building cool stuff, let's code our first game!

TicTacToe Preview

🌱 How to start this project

Do not clone this repository.

The first step to start coding is cloning the react.js boilerplate on your local computer or opening it using gitpod.

a) If using Gitpod you can clone the boilerplate by clicking here.

b) If working locally type the following command from your command line: $ git clone

πŸ’‘ Important: Remember to create a new repository, update the remote (git remote set-url origin <your new url>), and upload the code to your new repository using add, commit and push.

πŸ“ Instructions

Create a Tictactoe in React.js just like this one. Remember to follow the recommended workflow to start coding:

  1. Design your sitemap: How many pages/views?
  2. Designing your wireframe: What components and where?
  3. Start coding your components only rendering "Hello world" on each of them (to make sure they work).
  4. Create a list of all the possible user and system interactions (events) that occure during runtime (for example: The user clicks on a button to start the game)
  5. Create a javascript functions that will handle each of those events.
  6. Console.log on each of those funtions to make sure they are being called.
  7. Continue... whatch the video if you have any other doubts.

Concepts you wil learn:

  • State of the components (global variables)
  • Props
  • Render method
  • The function for checking the winner is a great learning algorithm

Video Tutorial:

Here is a video explaining how to do it:
