BernardoGiordano / Checkpoint

Fast and simple homebrew save manager for 3DS and Switch.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bug Report: error 0xC8804478 + fix

egscodes opened this issue · comments


Describe the bug
In the screen that shows the list to create a new save (Will only happen if the game has so previous saves) it will disappear and when one still attempts to create new safe it will not let you and give you an error.

To Reproduce
So this happened to me using a digital Mario kart 7 but probably works with other titles

When you go to name the file if you click cancel you will get an error.
The error has few consecuentes:

  • Either the new safe will just disappear will still let you still create the file but after you name it will give an error
  • It will deny you to create them from the start.
  • New save will still be there but after you click save to name you wil get the error

Expected behavior
You get a warning and won't be able to make saves for the game.


2023-03-30_11-46-57 045_bot
2023-03-30_12-01-08 609_bot
2023-03-30_11-49-04 021_bot


  • System version: 11.16.0-49U
  • Checkpoint version: 3.7.4
  • Result code (if available): 0xC8804478

Additional context
There is 2 simple fix:

  1. Delete fullsavecache from the checkpoint folder
  2. Press and hold B inside the app