BentoBoxWorld / Border

Adds a world border around islands

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Permission problem on set border type command

myavuzokumus opened this issue · comments

Expected behavior

Player must be able to use "/is border type" without the "bskyblock.border.toggle" permission.

Observed/Actual behavior

Player cannot use "/is border type" without "bskylock.border.toggle".
Also broken permission is "bskyblock.border.set-type" still in addon.yml.

Steps/models to reproduce

Try "/is border type" command without "bskylock.border.toggle" permission.

BentoBox version


Plugin list

No response


No response

I fixed the addon.yml.

For your use case, I assume you want to force players to have the border but allow them to decide the type. That's interesting, and wasn't anticipated. Then again, the type command was added after.

For the permission thing though, it's not possible because type is a sub command of border. You have to have permission to use border to be able to use border type.

One way to change this would be to make the toggling a sub command, like /is border on or /is border off and then have a third permission. The "/is border" command would then do nothing except show help.

That's okay for me. Border toggle command can be /is border toggle instead of /is border on or /is border off. Or both can be.