Belco90 / react-hacker-news

Simple React App to read latest Hacker News stories

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Netlify Status

Live Demo


  1. Clone the repo (click the Clone button at the top of this page
  2. Install project dependencies
npm install
  1. Starts the app in development mode
npm start
  1. Additionally, you can also run the tests in interactive watch mode
npm test


  • create-react-app: bootstraping React project.
  • chakra-ui: boosting the implementation of the UI to have a responsive and accessible page with ease. emotion was installed as dependency from this one.
  • react-waypoint: lightweight helper for handling infinite scroll.
  • other dependencies for local development or testing such as prettier or msw.


Simple React App to read latest Hacker News stories


Language:TypeScript 93.2%Language:HTML 6.8%