Beebeeoii / pe

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unable to edit person's income to have decimal places

Beebeeoii opened this issue · comments

I tried to give Baetsy an income of 1.1 which should be allowed based on the UG but it seems like there is some issues based on the command output: Incomes should be positive integers less than 2^63 shown below.

According to the UG, "Income field can only have 5 decimals and smaller than 1 Trillion" which an income of 1.1 fits.

Screenshot 2023-04-14 at 2.24.39 PM.png

Team's Response

The userguide documentation was wrong we forgot to update it, sorry about that.

Items for the Tester to Verify

❓ Issue type

Team chose [type.DocumentationBug]
Originally [type.FunctionalityBug]

  • I disagree

Reason for disagreement: This cannot be just a Documentation Bug as it would then be a Feature Flaw if users are only able to input integers as there can be many incomes that require decimal places (up to 2).