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[BUG] Empty BackLink for `Optional[BackLink[ADoc]]` when document has no back-link

b-simjoo opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Hi, I'm using FastAPI and Beanie and I have to set of models, one using Beanie for database and other one for API schema. The database has two documents Employee and Department that are linked :

class Department(Document):

class Employee(Document):
   department:Optional[BackLink[Department]] = field(original_field="employees", default=None)

On the other side I have proper Models for both:

class Department(BaseModel):

class Employee(BaseModel):

Since I'm using FastAPI, when I return a data instance, it tries to convert from db to schema (using pydantic method Model.model_validate(v,from_attributes=True)).

async def get_employee(emp_id: Annotated[str, Path()]) -> schema.Employee:
    return await db.Employee.get(emp_id, fetch_links=True)

Everything works just fine until I try to get an employee that no Department is linked to. Then Employee.department field is an empty BackLink that is not validate or processable for pydantic so it raises a Validation Error:

{'type': 'missing', 'loc': ('response', 'department', 'id'), 'msg': 'Field required', 'input': <beanie.odm.fields.BackLink object at 0x70d990ed0110>, 'url': ''}

Expected behavior
for fields of type Optional[BackLink[ADoc]] set/return None when there is no back-link.

For now I added a pydantic validator on my db model (db.Employee) that fixes the issue

class Employee(Document):
    def validate_backlink(cls, v):
        if isinstance(v, BackLink):
            return None
        return v