BeLuckyDaf / omp

A simple program, which allows opening an image file in Netpbm format, applying the Sobel operation to it, distributing the work between several threads, and then saving the resulting image in another file.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The program allows the user to open an existing RGB image, convert it to grayscale, apply the Sobel operator to the image and then save it to a file. Once again, the resulting file will contain the image in the grayscale format.

Even though, the task only includes what is described above, the codebase has a lot more potential. It allows to open, read and write to disk any type of Netpbm image: P1..P6.


The project does not have any external dependencies, therefore, to compile the project you just need gcc and make.

In order to build the executable, run make or make netpbm-sobel in the root folder of the project.

The binary can then be found at %PROJECT%/build/netpbm-sobel.


The program must be executed with the following command line arguments: ./netpbm-sobel "source_image_path" "new_image_path" [threads], where threads is a number of threads to use. This field is optional, if it is omitted, 1 thread is used.


This project was implemented as a test task for my internship application at OMP (Sailfish Mobile OS RUS).


A simple program, which allows opening an image file in Netpbm format, applying the Sobel operation to it, distributing the work between several threads, and then saving the resulting image in another file.


Language:C 98.1%Language:Makefile 1.9%