BeKind-Rewind / mysql

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




1.display all the information of the employees: SELECT * FROM employees; 2. find the salaries of all employees: SELECT * FROM salaries; 3.display the unique designations for the employees: SELECT DISTINCT title FROM titles; 4.list the emp_name and salary is increased by 15% and expressed as no. of Dollars: SELECT employees.first_name, employees.last_name, (1.15*(salaries.salary)) AS "Salary" FROM employees JOIN salaries ON employees.emp_no = salaries.emp_no;

  1. produce the output of employees name and job name as a format of "Employee & Job": SELECT CONCAT( employees.first_name, ' ', employees.last_name, ' ', titles.title ) AS "Employee & Job" FROM employees JOIN titles ON employees.emp_no=titles.emp_no;

6.produce the output of employees as follows: Employee JONAS(manager). SELECT CONCAT(e mployees.first_name, ' ', employees.last_name, '(', lower(titles.title), ')' ) AS "Employee" FROM employees JOIN titles ON employees.emp_no=titles.emp_no;

7.list the employees with Hire date in the format like February 22, 1991. SELECT employees.emp_no AS "ID", CONCAT( employees.first_name, ' ', employees.last_name ) AS "Employee", salaries.salary AS "Salary", DATE_FORMAT(employees.hire_date,'%M %e, %Y') AS "Hire Date" FROM employees JOIN salaries ON employees.emp_no=salaries.emp_no;

  1. count the number of characters without considering the spaces for each name.: SELECT length(TRIM(last_name)) FROM employees;

9.list the emp_id, salary, and commission of all the employees: SELECT e.emp_no, s.salary FROM employees e, salaries s WHERE e.emp_no = s.emp_no;

10.display the unique department with jobs:

  1. list the employees who does not belong to department 2001 12.list the employees who joined before 1991: 13.average salaries of all the employees who works as ANALYST 14.display all the details of the employees whose commission is more than their salary: 15.list the employees whose salary is more than 3000 after giving 25% increment 16.list the name of the employees, those having six characters to their name 17.list the employees who joined in the month January.
  2. list the name of employees and their manager separated by the string 'works for' 19.list all the employees whose designation is CLERK:
  3. list the employees whose experience is more than 27 years 21.list the employees whose salaries are less than 3500:
  4. list the name, job_name, and salary of any employee whose designation is ANALYST: 23.list the employees who have joined in the year 1991: 24.list the name, id, hire_date, and salary of all the employees joined before 1 apr 91 25.list the employee name, and job_name who are not working under a manager: 26.list all the employees joined on 1st may 91:
  5. list the id, name, salary, and experiences of all the employees working for the manger 68319
  6. list the id, name, salary, and experience of all the employees who earn more than 100 as daily salary. 29.list the employees who are retiring after 31-Dec-99 after completion of 8 years of service period 30.list those employees whose salary is an odd value.
  7. list those employees whose salary contain only 3 digits 32.list the employees who joined in the month of APRIL: 33.list the employees who are SALESMAN and gathered an experience which month portion is more than 10
  8. list the employees of department id 3001 or 1001 joined in the year 1991: 35.list all the employees of designation CLERK in department no 2001 36.list the ID, name, salary, and job_name of the employees for -
  9. Annual salary is below 34000 but receiving some commission which should not be more than the salary,
  10. And designation is SALESMAN and working for department 3001.
  11. list the employees who joined in any year except the month February 38.list the employees whose annual salary is within the range 24000 and 50000 39.list the employees working under the managers 63679, 68319, 66564, 69000: 40.list the employees along with department name 41.list the name, job name, manager id, salary, manager name, manager's salary for those employees whose salary is greater than the salary of their managers. 42.list the employees whose manager name is JONAS 43.list the name and salary of FRANK if his salary is equal to max_sal of his grade 44.list the employees who are working either MANAGER or ANALYST with a salary range between 2000 to 5000 without any commission.
    45.display all the details of managers 46.display the employee ID, name, job name, hire date, and experience of all the managers
  12. list all the employees of grade 2 and 3 48.display all the employees of grade 4 and 5 who are working as ANALYST or MANAGER. 49.list the employees who are senior to ADELYN 50)list the employees of grade 3 and 4 working in the department of FINANCE or AUDIT and whose salary is more than the salary of ADELYN and experience is more than FRANK. List the result in the ascending order of experience
