BcryptNet / bcrypt.net

BCrypt.Net - Bringing updates to the original bcrypt package

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NuGet license URL reflects incorrect branch

AaronFeickert opened this issue · comments

The license URL provided in NuGet reflects the wrong branch: master instead of main. While visiting the license link will redirect, some tools (like those used to automatically list and obtain licenses) may not be able to fetch the license correctly.

Thanks; my fault. Github poked to rename it and promised to redirect the branch... 🙄

Thanks; my fault. Github poked to rename it and promised to redirect the branch... 🙄

It does redirect, but I noticed that a license-fetching tool didn't handle the redirect properly.

Updated the csproj files so it'll correct when it next goes out. Licence fetching tool probably needs follow-redirects setting.

Updated the csproj files so it'll correct when it next goes out. Licence fetching tool probably needs follow-redirects setting.

Thanks for the quick update. Filed an issue with the license fetching tool as well, since this kind of branch redirection might be fairly common: tomchavakis/nuget-license#60