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How to validate hash format?

AlirezaAsadi96 opened this issue · comments

How to found current hash is valid?
Below method validate hash and replace new password hash:
But I don't want replace hash, Just validate current hash without password like this BCrypt.ValidateHash(currentHash)
How can I do that?

BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.Verify(givenPassword, hashedPassword)

@AlirezaAsadi96 you just want to validate the format or you want to determine that its a bcrypt hash?

@AlirezaAsadi96 you just want to validate the format or you want to determine that its a bcrypt hash?

Just validate the format of bcrypt hash

It's not really something I'd expose as its more of a utility function than part of the bcrypt public api but you can easily add code like this.

using System;

public class Program
	private static readonly HashFormatDescriptor OldFormatDescriptor = new HashFormatDescriptor(versionLength: 1);
	private static readonly HashFormatDescriptor NewFormatDescriptor = new HashFormatDescriptor(versionLength: 2);
	public class HashFormatDescriptor
		public HashFormatDescriptor(int versionLength)
			VersionLength = versionLength;
			WorkfactorOffset = 1 + VersionLength + 1;
			SettingLength = WorkfactorOffset + 2;
			HashOffset = SettingLength + 1;

		public int VersionLength

		public int WorkfactorOffset

		public int SettingLength

		public int HashOffset

	public static bool IsValidHash(string hash, out HashFormatDescriptor format)
		if (hash is null)
			throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hash));

		if (hash.Length != 59 && hash.Length != 60)
			// Incorrect full hash length
			format = null;
			return false;

		if (!hash.StartsWith("$2"))
			// Not a bcrypt hash
			format = null;
			return false;

		// Validate version
		int offset = 2;
		if (IsValidBCryptVersionChar(hash[offset]))
			format = NewFormatDescriptor;
			format = OldFormatDescriptor;

		if (hash[offset++] != '$')
			format = null;
			return false;

		// Validate workfactor
		if (!IsAsciiNumeric(hash[offset++]) || !IsAsciiNumeric(hash[offset++]))
			format = null;
			return false;

		if (hash[offset++] != '$')
			format = null;
			return false;

		// Validate hash
		for (int i = offset; i < hash.Length; ++i)
			if (!IsValidBCryptBase64Char(hash[i]))
				format = null;
				return false;

		return true;

	private static bool IsValidBCryptVersionChar(char value)
		return value == 'a' || value == 'b' || value == 'x' || value == 'y';

	private static bool IsValidBCryptBase64Char(char value)
		// Ordered by ascending ASCII value
		return value == '.' || value == '/' || (value >= '0' && value <= '9') || (value >= 'A' && value <= 'Z') || (value >= 'a' && value <= 'z');

	private static bool IsAsciiNumeric(char value)
		return value >= '0' && value <= '9';

	public static void Main()
		Console.WriteLine(IsValidHash("$2y$12$WDviXbO4Y8VM.aS.vmv7FOt3/KztzzVjLb7U/NOMjdzdXDiBbaHRC", out _));
		Console.WriteLine(IsValidHash("X2y$12$WDviXbO4Y8VM.aS.vmv7FOt3/KztzzVjLb7U/NOMjdzdXDiBbaHRC", out _));

You can sling it in https://dotnetfiddle.net/ to test