BattModels / Clio-NatCommData

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • ECDMCEMC_optimization... : CSV with live optimization data (i.e. in-the-loop experimentation by Clio) from experiment run in paper.
    • conductivity - measured ionic conductivity (mS/cm)
    • GUID - unique identifier for each experiment
    • run_order - ordinal number for which run after a rinse each experiment was (i.e. 2 is the second experiment after a rinse)
    • Temp (C) 2 - temperature (C) of sample at testing of conductivity
    • output_cid - electrolyte being tested in CompositionID format (see here)
    • LiPF6_molality - molality of LiPF6 (moles salt / kg solvent) in electrolyte being tested
    • EC_mass_fraction - fraction (by mass) of ethylene carbonate (EC) in electrolyte being tested
    • DMC_cosolvent_ratio - how much of non-EC mass in electrolyte being tested is dimethyl carbonate (DMC) instead of ethylmethyl carbonate (EMC)
    • sampling - random vs bayesian optimizer led experiment (RAND or BO)
    • expt_time - length of experiment run-time
  • AEM_training_data: CSV with data from the Advanced Electrolyte Model, matching design space surveyed above. Columns have same meaning as above.
  • Simulated Optimizations: pkl files with each simulated optimization run to compare Bayesian optimizer against random sampling for calculation of acceleration/enhancement
