BasicAirData / GPSLogger

A GPS logger for Android mobile devices

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Feature Request: log the accuracies for altitude, speed and bearing when available

GrazianoCapelli opened this issue · comments


Currently GPS Logger records the horizontal accuracy (at the 68th percentile confidence level) of all the GPS Fixes.

Starting from Android 8.0 (API level 26) the Locations can contain accuracies for altitude, speed and bearing.
Since the 90% of our user base have Android 8 or above, it is time to consider to add this feature.
Obviously the app would still work on older Android versions (the app is compatible with Android 4.0+, aka API14): in this case simply the accuracies would not be recorded.

We should think if and where these new accuracies could be shown into the user interface.

They should be exported into the txt files, thus we should change our txt standard in order to include also this new data. If we change the standard, we should check our example scripts in order to load the new txt table, and all the users that have an automation related to these txt files should do the same.
As alternative we could add a setting to select the "old" standard or the new one.

As a further consideration, finally we could improve the computing of vertical distance using the vertical accuracy.

Here a not-exhaustive check list of the things to be implemented to add the feature:

  • Modify the table on the Database (it needs a version increment) and the methods to store / retrieve the data
  • Modify the Exporter in order to include the new logged data into txt files
  • Think if / where we should show the new data into the GPS FIX tab and, in case, implement it
  • Improve the computing of vertical gain/loss using the vertical accuracy when available

We stopped the implementation of the feature because we should find a way to save the new data into TXT files but we should also give to the users the possibility to keep the TXT exportation as is into v3.1.
The reason of it is because some of them uses the TXT data with scripts and it is not good to change the TXT format.
Maybe we could add a setting to format the TXT output, with some presets and the possibility to customize it.
Time for suggestions...