BasicAirData / GPSLogger

A GPS logger for Android mobile devices

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(Optional) detection and alarm staying too long in one place while position recording is enabled

szpak opened this issue · comments

I personally, quite often forget stopping the position recording when I arrive at a destination (or take a break during my bike trip). It hits the track parameters (time, average speed, etc) which needs to be "fixed" in some external tool.

Here are some louse ideas how it could be handled in the application (none of them is perfect unfortunately, but I hope to start a discussion and maybe we will work something out - there is also a chance I'm just the only one who see a benefits of that behavior :-) ).

The app could try to detect situation when a phone spends time over a (defined) threshold in one area (with a defined radius, calculated with some smart algorithm). Then, one of the actions could be triggered:

  • generate some alarm
  • "preserve" that kind of moments if at stop recording propose user to drop them from the track (none of all or selected of them)
  • permanently stop recording (?)

Any better idea? WDYT in general?