Baseflow / ExoPlayerXamarin

Xamarin bindings library for the Google ExoPlayer library

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Update library to latest version

petro2050 opened this issue · comments

Library version is several releases behind the official library. Would you mind providing an update to this library? I want to use the MediaItem class in, but it's not available for Xamarin yet.

Yes, please.

Can you open a PR?

Sorry, forgive my ignorance but what kind of PR do you need? Is there a branch somewhere that has the updated ExoPlayer (looks like latest is 2.13.2)?

I am trying this myself but didn't get very far. I get this build error in ExoPlayer.Common:

BINDINGSGENERATOR : error (3: 72): Syntax error, expected: #PCDATA, <tt>, <TT>, <i>, <I>, {@code, {@docRoot}, {@inheritDoc}, {@link, {@linkplain, {@literal, {@value}, {@value, UnknownHtmlElementStart, <p>, <P>, <pre>, <PRE>, @author, @apiSince, @deprecated, @deprecatedSince, @exception, @param, @return, @see, @serialData, @serialField, @since, @throws, @[unknown], @version

I have no idea what this refers to or how to fix it. Help, please.

Hi @martijn00
Do you have plans for updating exoplayer to newest version?

I am waiting for a PR from the community to update this

I tried to do so, but failed due to the complexity of the ExoPlayer API.

I ended up creating a slim binding as suggested by Jonathan Dick:

The slim binding lib I built: (feel free to contribute or fork)