Basaingeal / Razor.SweetAlert2

A Razor class library for interacting with SweetAlert2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bug Color - Razor/Blazor

lopesclayton opened this issue · comments

SweetAlertResult result = await _swal.FireAsync(new SweetAlertOptions
TitleText= title,
Text = message,
Color = "Black",
Background = "#FBF9F9",
Icon = SweetAlertIcon.Warning,
IconColor = "Red",
ButtonsStyling = true,
ShowCancelButton = false,
ConfirmButtonColor = "Black",
ConfirmButtonText = textButtonOK,
HeightAuto = false
}); ; ;

		return result;

not respect color Color = "Black", to text

I'm not currently able to reproduce this issue. Color is tracking fine in my tests.

SweetAlertResult result = await Swal.FireAsync(new SweetAlertOptions
            TitleText= "Error",
            Text = "Login Failed",
            Color = "Red",
            Background = "#FBF9F9",
            Icon = SweetAlertIcon.Warning,
            IconColor = "Red",
            ButtonsStyling = true,
            ShowCancelButton = false,
            ConfirmButtonColor = "Black",
            ConfirmButtonText = "textButtonOK",
            HeightAuto = false


Are you using one of the provided themes?

builder.Services.AddSweetAlert2(options =>
options.SetThemeForColorSchemePreference(ColorScheme.Dark, SweetAlertTheme.Default);

I think I get it, it's getting the color from the bootstrap css,

that is, what is in the global css replaces the color that I set for the object..

how to ignore it?