Basaingeal / Razor.SweetAlert2

A Razor class library for interacting with SweetAlert2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is there a similar library for .NET Core MVC?

UweKeim opened this issue · comments

Using your library successfully for over a year now in a server-side Blazor project.

Now I'm looking for a similar library that allows me to use Sweetalert2 in a more comfortable way in my ASP.NET Core MVC projects, too.

Ideally the same C# syntax that I use your library today in my Blazor apps.

I found NToastNotify that does a great job of providing an abstraction layer to Noty and Toastr, but unfortunately I found no library that does the same for Sweetalert2.

Is anyone aware of such a library?

same question here, do we have any update for the mvc 6 ?

Is anyone aware of such a library?

Why not just use the original sweetalert2 JS library? It's significantly easier to implement swal2 on MVC than Blazor.