Barugon / egui_file

File dialog for egui

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FileDialog doesn't implement fmt::Debug

drehren opened this issue · comments

Hi! I've just found this crate, but the simple problem I'm facing is that FileDialog doesn't implement the Debug trait...

In the docs, they say that Debug should be implemented by all public types (here).


I am unable to apply fmt::Debug to a closure. If you know how to do this then please let me know.

If you cannot use #derive then you can easily implement Debug by hand... When I do that in VSCode with the rust-analyzer extension, it automatically fills the debug trait with the necessary fmt::Formatter::debug_* functions. Then you could just not make it print the closure!

Implemented here: 492b481

Thank you!