Bartvds / mocha-unfunk-reporter

Mocha reporter without console funkyness

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Change process.env variables to legal bash identifiers

reydelamirienda opened this issue · comments

Setting options through process.env['mocha-unfunk-<option_name>'] is very unpractical, since environment variables in bash can only contain letters, numbers and underscores. Dashes are not allowed.

I would change it to MOCHA_UNFUNK_STYLE for example.

This feature was made originally to pass options to sub-processes from within Node (some test runners do that), where Node would copy the variables.

But nice to see this could be useful from BASH, I'll update this shortly.

I just pushed v0.2.3 to npm that supports this naming style. It is a basic case+dash translation to the regular same names:

process.env['mocha-unfunk-style'] = 'plain';

// now also works as:
process.env['MOCHA_UNFUNK_STYLE'] = 'plain';

// bonus option: snake_cased
process.env['mocha_unfunk_style'] = 'plain';

Awesome, thanks.