BarbaTunnelCoder / BarbaTunnel

A layer that hide, redirect. forward, re-encrypt internet packet to keep VPN, Proxies and other p2p software hidden from Firewall. Free implementation for HTTP-Tunnel, UDP-Tunnel, port forwarding, port redirecting and packet re-encryption that can work in network data-link layer and transport layer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reverse tunnel?

ZedZipDev opened this issue · comments

Thank you for your product!

Is it possible to use it as a reverse tunnel? for example:

App A (WCF Svc) is installed on user's computer and work with SQL Server in this local network.
App B (WCF service) is installed in another network like Cloud.

Working process is:
A connects to B
App C connects to B and does not know where are real A and SQL SQLServer located.
By fact I'd like to have connection from cloud (B)->(A) local network, but previously initiated by local A