Bannng / Transformer-Translation

Transformer (Attention is all you need)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


1. Description

  1. Transformer model for translation (Attention is all you need)
  2. This code was created by referring to the code in DongjunLee, Kyubyong, Official code
  3. Trained on 1 gpu(Geforce Gtx 1080 ti)


2. Data

Vietnamese to English data (IWSLT'15)

3. Train

1. Git clone

$ git clone

2. Training with user settings

$ python --num_layers 4 --num_heads 8 --batch_size 64 --training_epochs 25

Training tips

  1. Transformer을 학습을 할 때 중요한 것은 max_length로 padding을 한 PAD에 대해서 처리를 해주어야 한다.
  2. 이를 위해 Transformer에서는 Encoder, Decoder, Encoder-Decoder attention에 대해서 적절히 masking을 한다.

1. Encoder mask

Encoder에서 PAD에 관한 부분을 -infmasking을 함으로써 softmax시 0을 갖도록 한다. alt_text

def get_padding(x, padding_value=0, dtype=tf.float32):
  with tf.name_scope("padding"):
    return tf.cast(tf.equal(x, padding_value), dtype)

def get_padding_bias(x):
  with tf.name_scope("attention_bias"):
    padding = get_padding(x)
    attention_bias = padding * _NEG_INF_FP32
    attention_bias = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(attention_bias, axis=1), axis=1)
  return attention_bias

2. Decoder mask

Decoder에서는 미래를 볼 수 없기 때문에 미래에 대한 부분을 -infmasking을 함으로써 softmax시 0을 갖도록 한다. alt_text

def get_decoder_self_attention_bias(length, dtype=tf.float32):
  neg_inf = _NEG_INF_FP16 if dtype == tf.float16 else _NEG_INF_FP32
  with tf.name_scope("decoder_self_attention_bias"):
    valid_locs = tf.linalg.band_part(tf.ones([length, length], dtype=dtype), -1, 0)
    valid_locs = tf.reshape(valid_locs, [1, 1, length, length])
    decoder_bias = neg_inf * (1.0 - valid_locs)
  return decoder_bias

3. Encoder-Decoder attention mask

Encoder-Decoder attention시에 key, value vector에 해당하는 PAD부분에 대해서 -inf masking을 해준다. alt_text

def get_padding_bias(x):
  with tf.name_scope("attention_bias"):
    padding = get_padding(x)
    attention_bias = padding * _NEG_INF_FP32
    attention_bias = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(attention_bias, axis=1), axis=1)
  return attention_bias

4. Feed foward network

  1. Encoder의 Feed foward network의 입력에서 PAD에 관한 부분에 대해서 tf.gather_nd를 통해 제거
  2. tf.scatter_nd를 통해 출력 할 때 PAD 부분에 0 vector를 채운다.


def dense_relu_dense(self, inputs, padding=None):
        if padding is not None:
            with tf.name_scope("remove_padding"):
                # Flatten padding to [batch_size*length]
                pad_mask = tf.reshape(padding, [-1])        
                nonpad_ids = tf.to_int32(tf.where(pad_mask < 1e-9))       
                # Reshape inputs to [batch_size*length, hidden_size] to remove padding
                inputs = tf.reshape(inputs, [-1, self.w2_dim])
                inputs = tf.gather_nd(inputs, indices=nonpad_ids)        
                # Reshape inputs from 2 dimensions to 3 dimensions.
                inputs = tf.expand_dims(inputs, axis=0)
        output = tf.layers.dense(inputs, self.w1_dim, activation=tf.nn.relu)
        output = tf.nn.dropout(output, 1.0 - self.dropout)
        output = tf.layers.dense(output, self.w2_dim)
        if padding is not None:
            with tf.name_scope("re_add_padding"):
                    output = tf.squeeze(output, axis=0)
                    output = tf.scatter_nd(indices=nonpad_ids, updates=output, shape=[batch_size * length, self.w2_dim])
                    output = tf.reshape(output, [batch_size, length, self.w2_dim])           
        return output

5. Shared embedding matrix

Transformer에서는 Encoder, Decoder, Output softmax layer에서 같은 embedding matrix를 사용한다.


def build_embed(self, inputs, encoder=True, reuse=False):
    with tf.variable_scope("Embeddings", reuse=reuse, initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()):
        # Word Embedding
        self.shared_weights = tf.get_variable('shared_weights', [self.vocab, self.emb_dim], dtype = tf.float32)            

        if encoder:
            max_seq_length = self.max_enc_len
            max_seq_length = self.max_dec_len

        # Positional Encoding
        with tf.variable_scope("positional-encoding"):
            positional_encoded = model_utils.get_position_encoding(max_seq_length,
        batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[0]
        mask = tf.to_float(tf.not_equal(inputs, 0))
        ## Add
        word_emb = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.shared_weights, inputs)   ## batch_size, length, dim
        word_emb *= tf.expand_dims(mask, -1) ## zeros out masked positions
        word_emb *= self.emb_dim ** 0.5 ## Scale embedding by the sqrt of the hidden size
        position_inputs = tf.tile(tf.range(0, max_seq_length), [batch_size])
        position_inputs = tf.reshape(position_inputs, [batch_size, max_seq_length])
        position_emb = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(positional_encoded, position_inputs)                       
        encoded_inputs = tf.add(word_emb, position_emb)
        return tf.nn.dropout(encoded_inputs, 1.0 - self.dropout)

6. Learning rate

Transformer에서는 warmup_step(4000)까지 linear하게 learning rate를 증가시키고, 이후에는 감소시킨다.


def noam_scheme(self, d_model, global_step, warmup_steps=4000):
    step = tf.cast(global_step + 1, dtype=tf.float32)
    return d_model ** (-0.5) * tf.minimum(step * warmup_steps ** -1.5, step ** -0.5)

7. Results

  1. 4 layer, 8 heads, 512 hidden dimension 에 관한 실험 결과 (BLEU : 24.74)
  2. 6 layer, 8 heads, 512 hidden dimension, 16000 warmup steps 에 관한 실험 결과 (BLEU : 27.57)
  3. Beam search에 관한 것은 구현이 안된 상태이다.

1. Test loss


2. Test BLEU score


3. Example

Encoder Input ===> Tôi đã được lớn lên ở một quốc gia đã bị tiêu huỷ bởi bao thập niên chiến tranh .
Decoder True ===> I was raised in a country that has been destroyed by decades of war .
Decoder Pred ===> I grew up in a country that was <unk> by the war .
Encoder Input ===> Họ đều là nạn nhân của tổn thương , bệnh tật và bạo lực .
Decoder True ===> All of them are victim to injury , illness and violence .
Decoder Pred ===> They were all the victims of vulnerability , disease and violence .
Encoder Input ===> Và sau một vài tháng , tôi nhận ra rằng em khác biệt .
Decoder True ===> And after a few months went by , I realized that he was different .
Decoder Pred ===> And after a few months , I realized that you were different .


Transformer (Attention is all you need)


Language:Python 100.0%