BandarHL / BHTwitter

Awesome tweak for Twitter

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Force logout and settings got reset

aozaki-kuro opened this issue · comments

As have mentioned in #67 , the problem still exists on my side.

Device: iPhone 15 Pro
iOS version: iOS 17.3 (21D5044a)
App version:
Install: Sign with a Dev cert and sideloaded in dev mode

Randomly, the App will perform a force logout along with the total reset of BHTwitter settings and the App settings (e.g. Media auto playback got enabled again).
The problem seemed to have existed for a long time and I cannot find out the reason why this happens (I have found no logs for this).

@aozaki-kuro hey did you manage to find a solution?

@DEREZANO Yes, it turned out that I used the dev cert instead of production cert. After switching to production cert, the settings no longer get reset.

@aozaki-kuro im sorry but how do i find that the prod cert?