BalestraPatrick / ValueStepper

A Stepper object that displays its value.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

changing tint color of stepper doesn't update the decrease/increate layer (- / +)

skibadawid opened this issue · comments


I have put the stepper in a tableViewCell, and for testing purposes every time the cell is show, the tint color is chosen randomly so, so once they go out of view, and come back they will have new color.
screen shot 2017-01-26 at 1 33 38 pm
After coming back into view.
screen shot 2017-01-26 at 1 34 01 pm

fix would be to add these into func tintColorDidChange()

increaseLayer.strokeColor = tintColor.cgColor
decreaseLayer.strokeColor = tintColor.cgColor

Hey @skibadawid, have you got time to open a PR for this? Let me know if you would be happy to help otherwise I will do it myself 😀


yeah of course, probably should have done that originally.


@BalestraPatrick it seems i don't have permission to create a branch with the fix. tried it with both GitHub desktop and terminal.

@skibadawid I see you have forked my repo and that's correct. You should now push to your repo the new feature in your master branch. Once that's done, create a PR in my repo based on your master branch. In this way I'll be able to merge your change right away 😄


ahhh ok. thanks for the steps, I'm still a noob with PR and stuff.

Don't worry, thanks a lot for taking the time! I just merged it 🙌