BacNguyenBa / k-means-clustering-python

K-Means clustering of given data set using Python without using frameworks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

K-Means Clustering implemented using Python

Test script that performs K-Means clustering of given data set using Python without using frameworks


  • Python modules: numpy, random, pandas, time
  • Python version: 3.7.4

Inputs required:

  • data_set: Input data set in given format as demonstrated in the code
  • k_value: No of clusters needed
  • precision: The precision with which calculations have to be made

Files is a single script which runs the clustering is the same script written as a class and can be called with from Clustering import KMeans is an implementation of the algorithm using the class on the Iris Dataset

Further improvements:

  • Code is slow for huge data sets. Need to optimize.
  • Need to compare with same data set run on frame work such scikitlearn and compare the results


K-Means clustering of given data set using Python without using frameworks

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%