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DXT internal format size missing

ivanpopelyshev opened this issue · comments

Thanks from PixiJS team for a wonderful tool!

I'm debugging an app with big number of .dds resources, and I found that baseRecorder doesnt contain the size for most of compressed texture formats.

this.byteSizePerInternalFormat = {


The size is defaulting to 4:

return bytesPerElements || 4;

I think that it should be better to show warning to user, not just shallow unknown texture format here

return bytesPerElements || 4;

Btw, it also doesnt take into account type of texture in case of WebGL1: FLOAT textures there have internalFormat RGBA and not RGBA32F.

Yup, totally agree with that, unfortunately I am totally short on time these days, do you want to create a PR for it ?

I'm on it

Btw, its not a bug. According to what I saw in the source code - its more of a feature-request.