BTHoneyBadger / solidly

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Solidly allows low cost, near 0 slippage trades on uncorrelated or tightly correlated assets. The protocol incentivizes fees instead of liquidity. Liquidity providers (LPs) are given incentives in the form of token, the amount received is calculated as follows;

  • 100% of weekly distribution weighted on votes from ve-token holders

The above is distributed to the gauge (see below), however LPs will earn between 40% and 100% based on their own ve-token balance.

LPs with 0 ve* balance, will earn a maximum of 40%.


What differentiates Solidly's AMM;

Solidly AMMs are compatible with all the standard features as popularized by Uniswap V2, these include;

  • Lazy LP management
  • Fungible LP positions
  • Chained swaps to route between pairs
  • priceCumulativeLast that can be used as external TWAP
  • Flashloan proof TWAP
  • Direct LP rewards via skim
  • xy>=k

Solidly adds on the following features;

  • 0 upkeep 30 minute TWAPs. This means no additional upkeep is required, you can quote directly from the pair
  • Fee split. Fees do not auto accrue, this allows external protocols to be able to profit from the fee claim
  • New curve: x3y+y3x, which allows efficient stable swaps
  • Curve quoting: y = (sqrt((27 a^3 b x^2 + 27 a b^3 x^2)^2 + 108 x^12) + 27 a^3 b x^2 + 27 a b^3 x^2)^(1/3)/(3 2^(1/3) x) - (2^(1/3) x^3)/(sqrt((27 a^3 b x^2 + 27 a b^3 x^2)^2 + 108 x^12) + 27 a^3 b x^2 + 27 a b^3 x^2)^(1/3)
  • Routing through both stable and volatile pairs
  • Flashloan proof reserve quoting




Vested Escrow (ve), this is the core voting mechanism of the system, used by BaseV1Factory for gauge rewards and gauge voting.

This is based off of ve(3,3) as proposed here

  • deposit_for deposits on behalf of
  • emit Transfer to allow compatibility with third party explorers
  • balance is moved to tokenId instead of address
  • Locks are unique as NFTs, and not on a per address basis
function balanceOfNFT(uint) external returns (uint)


Base V1 pair is the base pair, referred to as a pool, it holds two (2) closely correlated assets (example MIM-UST) if a stable pool or two (2) uncorrelated assets (example FTM-SPELL) if not a stable pool, it uses the standard UniswapV2Pair interface for UI & analytics compatibility.

function mint(address to) external returns (uint liquidity)
function burn(address to) external returns (uint amount0, uint amount1)
function swap(uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address to, bytes calldata data) external

Functions should not be referenced directly, should be interacted with via the BaseV1Router

Fees are not accrued in the base pair themselves, but are transfered to BaseV1Fees which has a 1:1 relationship with BaseV1Pair


Base V1 factory allows for the creation of pools via function createPair(address tokenA, address tokenB, bool stable) external returns (address pair)

Base V1 factory uses an immutable pattern to create pairs, further reducing the gas costs involved in swaps

Anyone can create a pool permissionlessly.


Base V1 router is a wrapper contract and the default entry point into Stable V1 pools.

function addLiquidity(
    address tokenA,
    address tokenB,
    bool stable,
    uint amountADesired,
    uint amountBDesired,
    uint amountAMin,
    uint amountBMin,
    address to,
    uint deadline
) external ensure(deadline) returns (uint amountA, uint amountB, uint liquidity)

function removeLiquidity(
    address tokenA,
    address tokenB,
    bool stable,
    uint liquidity,
    uint amountAMin,
    uint amountBMin,
    address to,
    uint deadline
) public ensure(deadline) returns (uint amountA, uint amountB)

function swapExactTokensForTokens(
    uint amountIn,
    uint amountOutMin,
    route[] calldata routes,
    address to,
    uint deadline
) external ensure(deadline) returns (uint[] memory amounts)


Gauges distribute arbitrary token(s) rewards to BaseV1Pair LPs based on voting weights as defined by ve voters.

Arbitrary rewards can be added permissionlessly via function notifyRewardAmount(address token, uint amount) external

Gauges are completely overhauled to separate reward calculations from deposit and withdraw. This further protect LP while allowing for infinite token calculations.

Previous iterations would track rewardPerToken as a shift everytime either totalSupply, rewardRate, or time changed. Instead we track each individually as a checkpoint and then iterate and calculation.


Gauge bribes are natively supported by the protocol, Bribes inherit from Gauges and are automatically adjusted on votes.

Users that voted can claim their bribes via calling function getReward(address token) public

Fees accrued by Gauges are distributed to Bribes


Gauge factory permissionlessly creates gauges for pools created by BaseV1Factory. Further it handles voting for 100% of the incentives to pools.

function vote(address[] calldata _poolVote, uint[] calldata _weights) external
function distribute(address token) external

Testnet deployment

Name Address
wFTM 0x27Ce41c3cb9AdB5Edb2d8bE253A1c6A64Db8c96d
USDT 0x8ad96050318043166114884b59E2fc82210273b3
MIM 0x976e33B07565b0c05B08b2e13AfFD3113e3D178d
BaseV1Factory 0xA88240A26E9E647fC1b33e0264Ad88D6da0b9c37
BaseV1GaugesFactory 0x0C57b2c0a90C779C27D1194c4827F66eA73250F2
BaseV1Voter 0x39aCbDCa37b5c098F9D70B2ce3c731a83B8A97cF
BaseV1Router01 0x881CFeCF879C04de1D6824da5ba894eFade32340
BaseV1 0x0673e1CF8EE91095232CFC98Ee1EbCeF42A1977E
tokenizer 0x3092326DB3220b5102A2999e8A5e80cd7503E1b5
ve3 0x7866D43b6616B62A922691C40b69C6F9BcE5a7de
ve3-dist 0xaFC42D4f940E50a5997b708c3Dd4eA1d6e6816D6
BaseV1Minter 0x062Df86DccE23b3d304401128bF55E1cab358d59



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