BMW-InnovationLab / BMW-Labeltool-Lite

This repository provides you with an easy-to-use labeling tool for State-of-the-art Deep Learning training purposes. It supports Auto-Labeling.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Using yolov4 for labelling automation

C-monC opened this issue · comments


How do you change the pretrained model to a Yolov4 one? Is it all in the config.json under /model?

And there is a small typo in the README. Line 206 needs all caps .PNG along with some other PNG's

Any news about this? Looking for the same feature.

@C-monC Thank you for the suggested typo fix. Regarding the issue for the yolov4 model it would be great if you can open this issue on the proper repo to better assist you Link

Will close this issue, reopen it if the issue targets the Labeltool.