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The body content is shifted upward, conflicting with the header

tqnwhz opened this issue · comments

I am using the latest master code, macTex 2021 and confronted with the following problem.


By the way, I compile it just by running the make command.
I am wondering whether it's a macText version incompatible error or something else, and how to resolve it .
Any help is appreciated. Thanks very much!

By the way, I compile it just by running the make command.
I am wondering whether it's a macText version incompatible error or something else, and how to resolve it .
Any help is appreciated. Thanks very much!

May I know your MacTex version? Then I could try to reproduce.

By the way, I compile it just by running the make command.
I am wondering whether it's a macText version incompatible error or something else, and how to resolve it .
Any help is appreciated. Thanks very much!

May I know your MacTex version? Then I could try to reproduce.

By the way, I compile it just by running the make command.
I am wondering whether it's a macText version incompatible error or something else, and how to resolve it .
Any help is appreciated. Thanks very much!

May I know your MacTex version? Then I could try to reproduce.

My MacTex version is 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22 (TeX Live 2021).
I downloaded it just yesterday, and it's supposed to be the latest version.

My MacTex version is 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22 (TeX Live 2021).
I downloaded it just yesterday, and it's supposed to be the latest version.


I could reproduce the error on Mac, with TeXLive 2021. Working on that.

Hi @tqnwhz,

It should have been fixed by #265, feel free to reopen if you still encounter the same error.