BDNYC / UltracoolTypingKit

Home for qualitative spectral typing GUI that follows the Cruz Method

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Outputting Normalised Data and Templates

jennifrench opened this issue · comments

I'm using this package to spectral type some L dwarfs and was wondering if there's a way to output the data that's used in the plots - the normalised input data and templates. Just outputting them as a csv file or similar so I can plot them myself would be great.

Thanks so much for this feature request! I'll be honest though, I don't think it's likely to be implemented anytime soon.

You can make your own plots using the templates. The templates are in this repo:

There are examples of how to read in the templates in the Templates class:

The code we use to normalize the data is the Data class:

Hope this helps! If you have more questions, let us know!