BBloggsbott / ghub

A Unix like CLI for GitHub

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Feature Request: Add support for managing pull requests

mrmcmuffinz opened this issue · comments


As the title implies, I would like to have the ability to manage pull requests like list, comment, approve, deny and so on...

@mrmcmuffinz Thank your creating this feature request.
Now, you can view info about a PR, its comments and commits. When in the repo context, use cd pull_requests to switch to the pull_requests context. Now, ls will list all the open pull requests. cd <pr_number> will take you to that pull request (irrespective of whether it is open or not). Now, cat will give you info about the PR, cat comments will show you all the comments and cat commits will show you all the commits.

I'll be adding features to make a new comment and merge PRs.