Azurency / CQUI_Community-Edition

Civilization 6 mod - UI enhancements, reduce clicks and manage your empire faster!

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Production of troops when upgrade becomes available

lckd opened this issue · comments


For example, say you are in the process of building a warrior when the swordsman technology becomes available. If you open the production queue in that town, you lose all the production points you had put toward the warrior/swordsman.

Could you use the format provided to you when you create an issue? That would make it a lot easier for us. Thanks.


I still need the information requested in the format we provide, so you'll have to update the issue either way.


Production points can be lost when troop upgrade becomes available

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
For example, have a warrior part way through production when the swordsman technology is researched. The town will show that the queue is still set to produce a warrior. Click on the production queue.

Expected behavior:
The warrior option is now replaced with a swordsman, as it should be, but all the production points accumulated toward the swordsman are lost.

General informations

OS: Windows
Version: Most recent as of 8/29/18
Expansion: Rise and Fall
Other mods: None

Isn't this just how it works? I don't think this is related to the mod. Unless I'm misunderstanding the issue.


No, at least not in the latest patch. If you are in the middle of production of a troop when new one becomes available, you can avoid losing your production points by not touching the queue and letting the game roll your production over to the new unit. That option is not available in the mod.

(I think the base game is still a bit buggy, though, because if you go into the queue after the upgrade becomes available and select the upgraded troop, you do lose all your production points. So you have to leave it alone and let it roll over by itself.)

If that's the case, then it's most likely due to how the production queue works. The production Queue is actually not maintained by us, but by Astog.

I'll look into it myself when I have time, but I don't know if this will be something we will fix. In the meantime you might want to post it here as well.