Azure / kubelogin

A Kubernetes credential (exec) plugin implementing azure authentication

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weird authorization error when authenticating via service principal

DavidHe1127 opened this issue · comments

I was following this guide to authenticate against my cluster via service principal. So what I did was:

  • Firstly register an app in EntraID
  • Grant the app some permissions via RBAC
kind: ClusterRole
  name: ado-svc-role
  - apiGroups: [""]
    resources: ["pods", "services", "deployments"]
    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch", "delete"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: ado-svc-role-binding
  - apiGroup:
    kind: User
    name: <app_object_id>
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: ado-svc-role
  • Auth and verification
export AAD_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID=<app-client-id>

az login --service-principal -u <app-client-id> -p <app-client-secret> --tenant <tenant-id>

az aks get-credentials --subscription <subscription-id> --resource-group <resource-group-name> --name <cluster-name> --file ./custom-kubeconfig

export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/custom-kubeconfig

kubelogin --kubeconfig "${KUBECONFIG}" convert-kubeconfig -l spn --client-id ${AAD_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID} --client-secret ${AAD_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_SECRET} \
    --tenant-id <tenant-id>

kubectl get nodes

Expected Result

Command returns nodes information.

Actual Result

kubectl get nodes command returns error below:

Error from server (Forbidden): nodes is forbidden: User "xxxx" cannot list resource "nodes" in API group "" at the cluster scope


The user xxxx cannot be linked to the app I've used to login in any way - the uuid of the user (masked by xxxx) is unknown to me.

the uuid of the user, masked by xxx, is the object ID of the service principal.
you can verify that by az ad sp show --id xxxx

@weinong Thanks for getting back. That command returns a different object id than that of my app on EntraID. Any idea why?

However, it still throws the same error even after I set the name of subject to the one returned from cli. Not sure if I've done anything wrong?

first of all, your cluster role doesn't have permission to list nodes. this is the reason you got Forbidden.

in your cluster role binding, <app_object_id> should match the object ID on the portal.

@weinong sorry a copy & paste mistake - I'd have used kubectl get pods -n main --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG}. However, this command gives me the exact same auth error.

I can also confirm the role points to the object_id of my service principal even though it's different than the one shown in the error message.

Close it as I've mistaken application object id for service principal object id. They are fundamentally different.