Azure / azure-sdk-tools

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Should the rest PRs be blocked if there is no release plan?

maririos opened this issue · comments

This will help us bring the process in front of our users (at least moving forward).

This would still not help with suggesting TypeSpec first and won't be applicable to every PR (doesn't touch rest apis, if the update is only on docs, etc).

These are the scenarios that are partially or not supported by release plans.

  1. Service entry in service tree with no product mapped
  • Teams we know are blocked and using the documentation on Engineering Hub. I am keeping a list, there could be more but this who we know about right now.

  • Microsoft Support (management plane)

  • Quota RP team (management plane)

  • Marketplace catalog team (management and data plane)

  • Code Transparency Service (data plane)

  1. Service teams with handwritten/high level clients (no release plan support)

  2. Partial support for generated SDKs + convenience layer for data plane.

  • The release plan is lacking requirements/steps that relate to "convenience layer" on generated code.

  • The release plans were only intended for generated SDKs but it seems that for data plane generated SDKs may not be sufficient and some SDKs will require a "convenience layer".

  • For example, the machine learning team had to add convenience layer to their Python SDK for functionality that could not be generated.

  • Question: Is there a way that we can identify if a generated SDK has a convenience layer?

  • Questions: How does the process work for the next version of the SDK? Won't the next version of the SDK generated code be out of synch with the released SDK code (with the convenience layer)?

This is the high level process that the release plans follows:

  1. Update TypeSpec and generate OpenAPI
  2. API Review with Stewardship Board
  3. Generate SDK and SDK Reviews
  • Will the service partner add the existing convenience layer to the new generated SDKs at this time?

  • If new Beta SDK version, they service teams do not need arch board meeting. Would they follow the rest of the release plan steps and release the SDKs?

  • If stable SDK version, then after the generated SDKs are updated with the convenience layer, then proceed to SDK review.

  1. Release SDK
  • Anything different from process in current release plans for the "generated SDKs + convenience code" scenario?